Our college student Punita Sharma of B.Com Semester-IV has been selected as an NCC Cadet for Mountaineering Expedition 2019 to be held at Sikkim. Only twenty NCC Cadets from all over India were selected for the same. It is such prodigious honour that Punita Sharma is going to represent Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh Directorate. She will represent 2nd Punjab Girls Battalion of Jalandhar NCC Group. This expedition will last for about 48 days. The cadets are supposed to scale Mount Thinchenkhong, Sikkim situated at the height of 6010m. Commanding Officer of 2nd Punjab Girls Battalion, Colonel Jasbir Singh and reverent Principal Dr.(Mrs.) Kiran Arora felicitated the student and wished her luck for this assiduous undertaking.